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Webinar: How to use 5G for Business Continuity and Failover

08 Sep 2021

Register for this webinar to learn how the accelerated rollout of 5G coupled with the release of true 5G-embedded enterprise class intelligent Cradlepoint routers has made wireless business continuity and failover a viable reality.

In the past 18 months the 5G landscape in Australia has changed unrecognisably. The accelerated rollout of the network coupled with the release of true 5G embedded enterprise class intelligent Cradlepoint routers has made 5G a viable technology for business continuity and failover strategies.  

How to use 5G for Business Continuity and Failover

Thursday 30 September

11.00 - 11.30 am AEST


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What will be covered in this webinar?

Traditional wired WAN outages are simply a fact of life whether they are caused by natural or man-made disasters, a power outage, configuration error, or ancient and unreliable fixed networks. Having a second wired link for failover - often laying along the same trench - is self-defeating in many instances. As businesses reinvent the way they work and increasingly use cloud-based applications, there is a compelling case for turning to Wireless WAN technology as a failover solution.


  • How 5G for business continuity and failover works in Australia in 2021
  • The scope of a 5G failover solution
  • Everything you need to know about hardware, costings, timeline
  • Australian Case Studies in branch, retail, stadiums, education, construction

Webinar How to use 5G for business continuity and failover


Early Australian adopters already have 5G failover in-Situ

MobileCorp is working with a number of Australian enterprises who have already embraced Cradlepoint's wireless WAN solutions for failover and also for primary links,

5G for failover is a use case which is applicable to every industry vertical and organisations large and small. 

The benefits include protecting against downtime, adding link diversity, accommodating traffic spikes, constructing resilient VPNs, and troubleshooting remotely with out of band management. 

"We always knew this was coming. It was only a matter of time before wireless became a viable failover option for enterprise business and we are on the cusp of real uptake."

Stephen_Aravopoulos  MobileCorp Managing Director, Stephen Aravopoulos


Why use wireless instead of a second wired link for failover?

Many organisations introduce failover capabilities by adding a second wired link to an existing branch router. While this is a good start, it still leaves the router and the wired links as potential weak points. Often the second wired link is using the same physical pathway to the location and exposed to the same risk scenario as the primary link. For a higher level of resilience and continuity, two routers, each with a different type of WAN connection is the way to go. LTE and 5G wireless data links add both backup and diversity to the network,  reducing any single point of failure.

advantages of wireless wan over fixed

Credit: Cradlepoint, part of Ericsson

Traditional Ways to Prevent Downtime Don't Work

Terrestial Accidents


Man-made and natural disasters


Network Provider Glitches

Webinar How to use 5G for business continuity and failover


Can't make the Date? We've got you

If you can't make the date no problem.

Register and we will send you the recording. It is only 30 minutes so you will probably be able to work this into another convenient time slot.

Or reach out to us directly. Jason Blayney would be happy to talk this through with you. Contact him at jason.blayney@mobilecorp.com.au or call him on 0459 

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About MobileCorp

MobileCorp is an Australian communications technology company. We are a Cradlepoint Elite Partner and 5G for Enterprise Branch accredited specialist vendor. We also provide Mobile Device Management, Managed Mobility Services, Complex Data and IP Networks, and Unified Communication solutions. We have a proven track record with Australian enterprise and business.

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