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MobileCorp launches new Essential 8 as a service resized_ML

MobileCorp launches new Essentials 8 as-a-Service security solutions

03 Nov 2022


MobileCorp announces two new Essential 8 as-a-Service solutions which provide the fundamental cyber security building blocks to protect your business from cyber security threats.


The Essential 8 is a series of baseline cyber security controls that the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) recommends all Australian organisations adopt.

The E8 is already mandatory for many Australian government non-corporate entities and there is a move to increase this compliance requirement across all local government councils and government agencies.

MobileCorp has been through the Essential 8 journey and has achieved the highest Essential 8 Maturity ranking of Level 3. We are now offering two Essential 8 as-a-Service solutions.


MobileCorp launches two Essential 8 as-a-Service solutions

MobileCorp delivers the Essential 8 for your organisation as a choice of two enterprise-grade E8-as-a-Service solutions.

  • Essential 8 Audit-as-a-Service utilises enterprise-grade software to automate and report on the status of your security posture against the Essential 8 controls, identifying vulnerabilities, and providing a clear pathway to risk mitigation and security uplift. 
  • Essential 8 Remediation-as-a-Service goes one giant step further. It is like having your own inhouse Essentials 8 security team. We take that E8 Audit and go to work plugging the gaps, shoring up the walls, and strengthening your cyber security posture. We work to improve your ACSC Essential 8 Maturity Level until we reach Level 3.

E8 Audit as-a-Service curved banner


Essential 8 Audit-as-a-Service

Be on top of your cyber risk and compliance at all times 

For organisations with growing IT governance obligations, the Essential 8 Audit-as-a-Service will form the foundation of your security compliance, benchmarking, and uplift program.

Audit-as-a-Service automates and accurately reports on the status of your risk management efforts against the E8 controls. It

  • provides full visibility of your entire organisation and its endpoints, at any time.
  • pinpoints areas of concern with ‘gap analysis’ and ‘non-compliant’ reporting.
  • provides an evidential trail of performance in risk mitigation and remediation.
  • provides a Maturity Level score against the ACSC framework in  minutes.

Essential 8 Audit-as-a-Service Inclusions

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Essential 8 Audit-as-a-Service Benefits

E8 Audit as a Service highlights


Essential 8 Audit-as-a-Service Reporting

The MobileCorp managed audit provides simple to understand reports that shine a light on E8 vulnerabilities.

Your MobileCorp account manager will take you through the reports on a monthly basis and highlight the actions needed to remediate the gaps and improve your security posture.

The audit will also provide a Maturity Ranking benchmarked against the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Essential 8 controls, Level 0 to Level 3.

E8 Summary reporting MC branded

Learn More E8 Audit as a Service


E8 Remediation as a Service curved banner


Essential 8 Remediation-as-a-Service

Like having your own inhouse E8 cyber security team 

MobileCorp's Essential 8 Remediation-as-a-Service is like having your own inhouse E8 cyber security team.

MobileCorp becomes your single point of contact and assumes responsibility for all E8 cyber security monitoring, compliance, governance, audits, reporting and remediation.

You will have access to our Cyber Security Support Desk manned by our expert security engineers and based at our Mascot, Sydney office. 

You will be audited fortnightly and retain full visibility of your E8 vulnerabilities and risk level, and have an evidential trail of mitigation activity.

MobileCorp will undertake all remediation work to protect and uplift your E8 security posture with the aim of moving your environment towards ACSC E8 Maturity Level 3.


Essential 8 Remediation-as-a-Service Inclusions

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Essential 8 Remediation-as-a-Service Benefits

E8 Remediation as a Service benefits


Essential 8 Remediation-as-a-Service Scope

MobileCorp will monitor and audit the Essential 8 environment and perform all remediation work to address vulnerabilities that are identified across the eight controls.

We will work with you to improve your ACSC Maturity Level.

How will we do this? For each of the Essential 8 controls below we will undertake a range of activities to ensure you are meeting the ACSC benchmarks. 

Often organisations have the capability but not the resource inhouse to get this remediation work completed as quickly as the Essential 8 framework requires. 

MobileCorp's Remediation as-a-Service is supplying additional cyber security expertise and more physical hours to undertake the continuous work needed to stay safe. 

Essential 8 controls


Learn more E8 remediation aaS


MobileCorp as your Managed Security Service Provider

MobileCorp is a trusted ICT MSP and MSSP with over 30 years’ of partnering with Australian organisations large and small.

Based in Mascot Sydney, we serve organisations nationwide and across the APAC region.

Our capabilities cover Managed E8 Security, Managed IT Services, 5G and Wireless WAN, Data Networks, Managed Enterprise Mobility, and Unified Communications.

We have a proven track record working with over 450 Australian enterprise and business organisations and we are a Telstra Platinum Partner. 

We are well placed to

  • independently audit your Essential 8 environment
  • remediate your E8 gaps
  • lead you to E8 Maturity Level 3



For more information contact:

Jim Joannou colour circle transparent

Jim Joannou
Head of IT
m. 0419 173 333
e. jim.joannou@mobilecorp.com.au


About MobileCorp

MobileCorp is an enterprise ICT solutions company with a mission to deliver our customers a communications technology edge. We provide Essentials 8 as-a-Service, Managed Mobility Services, Enterprise Mobility Management, Complex Data and IP Networks, and Unified Communication solutions. We have a proven track record providing managed services for Australian enterprise and business, and we are a Telstra Platinum Partner. 

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