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MobileCorp unveils 'Connecting the Future' brand for new decade of 5G

07 Apr 2020

The convergence of 5G with maturing technologies like IoT, cloud, software-defined networking, and edge computing is about to open up a whole new world of 'mobile-first' connectivity.

MobileCorp ready for 5G-enabled decade

The next five years will see a convergence of 5G with technologies that will open up new ways of transforming business process and disrupting industries, says MobileCorp managing director, Stephen Aravopoulos

“Connecting the Future" is the focus of our new brand and is a signal to our customers and partners that MobileCorp has the talent and capability to help organisations navigate the 5G-enabled decade we are entering.” 

The true power of 5G is it's arrival at the same time as other technologies are maturing. Combined with IoT, cloud, and edge computing, it will open up unseen opportunities for data-driven and automated business use cases, says Aravopoulos.

“MobileCorp has been in the mobility business for 30 years and we have seen enormous advances in that time, but  I believe that today we are on the brink of the next big shift.

"It’s the unique convergence of technologies that will make 5G far more revolutionary than any previous advances in mobile technology."

Connecting the Future

A key focus of MobileCorp’s Connecting the Future positioning is to help organisations to prepare for 5G and the technology shift that it will enable.

“These next two years - 2020 and 2021 – is the time to evaluate how 5G can enable new ways of doing business. From 2023, we are going to see early adopters stealing the competitive advantage in this space.

“As Bill Gates said: we always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten."

5G Action Plan for Australian Business

2020 is year to prepare for 5G

The arrival of 5G will impact network infrastructure and open up new data-driven, and automation use cases. In the first instance these will mainly co-exist with 4G LTE and will be based on high bandwidth and low latency benefits.

“We don’t know all the use cases for 5G yet, but we do know there is going to be significant growth in IoT, cloud, and edge computing and that is going to bring a huge increase in data and traffic across our networks.

“We can also safely predict that there will be phenomenal growth in the number of devices which will require connectivity and management by organisations.

“5G will also add to the business case for moving IT to the cloud.  One of the constraining factors for cloud that exists today is bandwidth, and that will virtually be removed with 5G.”

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Building on 30-year history in enterprise mobility

The new corporate re-positioning also highlights MobileCorp’s own growth from an enterprise mobility service provider to a holistic communications technology provider.

The company has invested in new technical specialists and boosted its capability in providing complex data networks, cloud and IT managed services as part of its own preparation for 5G. This is reflected in the new branding and new-look corporate website which highlights the company's expanded capabilities and its full list of managed services.

“Our previous logo was perfect for the times – ten years ago – when it was all about the Apple iPhone 4, 3G and mobility.

“The new logo introduces an iconic M which respects our mobility core business, but it also references the ‘share’ logo and network connectivity. Along with our Connecting the Future tagline, the new logo better reflects our capabilities across networks, IoT, unified communications, and cloud - as well as mobility.”

MobileCorp logos 2010-2020


A 5G Action Plan and NextDay Connect

Connecting the Future is not just about branding, logos and websites. That is just the window-dressing says Aravopoulos.

"Connecting the Future is an attitude of bringing strategic collaboration to our business relationships and providing innovative solutions which are future-facing and future-proofed." 

The company has already developed its NextDay Connect solution which is a collaboration with Cradlepoint and Telstra to provide 4G and 5G enterprise-grade wireless connectivity. 

It has also prepared a 5G action plan which arms Australian business leaders with objective, relevant and practical information to implement in 2020.

MobileCorp connecting the future banner

5G action plan for Australian business

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