Mobile Lifecycle
Don’t get distracted… everything starts and ends with the device
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Device Lifecycle
From cradle to grave. Mobile devices are accounted for, maintained, secured, and supported.
Device lifecycle management protects the productivity of end users and relieves organisations and IT teams from the burden of operational workload.
Lifecycle management is a foundational tenet of MobileCorp’s service to our customers.

Device Deployment
Deliver a zero-touch managed device deployment for a secure out-of-the-box end user experience.
Refresh your mobile fleet devices with zero disruption or downtime.
MobileCorp has implemented hundreds of device deployment and fleet transition projects. We understand they require careful project management to ensure business productivity is protected, and asset and data integrity is assured.

End of Life Management
Responsible end of life device management is a win-win-win: for business, for our community, and for our planet.
MobileCorp is committed to our 7-point Device Sustainability program. We believe in contributing to the Circular Economy and in minimising e-waste.
We actively seek to buy-back, renew, re-use and recycle end of life devices. Our Device Buy-back program has generated significant revenues for our customers while ensuring we decommission devices securely and sustainably.

Mobile Lifecycle Management
Speak to our MobileCorp Representative
To get started with a technology solution, call us on 1800 243 252
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